Hensingham Primary School Pupils have had an amazing week focusing on strategies to help our Mental Health and Wellbeing. They have ‘connected’ by writing letters and cards, zooming friends, making family memorabilia … they have ‘given’ to others by making bird feeders, baking cakes for neighbours, litter picking, drawing messages of hope and donating items to charities … they have ‘kept learning’ by trying out new things like gardening, cooking, cleaning and D.I.Y. … they have ‘been active’ through family sports days, water fights, dancing and making obstacle courses … and finally they have ‘taken notice’ by doing yoga, mindful colouring, relaxation exercises, exploring nature and expressing thoughts and feelings on paper chains or through food as well as thinking about the future by creating wish jars! They have also been carrying out their pledges of Random Acts of Kindness too!

We are all so proud of your efforts to make #MentalHealthMatter … not just this week but every week!