The Eco-council have been busy this half term raising awareness of all things environmental …

They began with an assembly to the school to share their action plan for raising money, increasing awareness of global issues and helping the local community.

They held a Family competition to see who could collect the most recycling in a week and there were lots of fabulous photographs to share on our Facebook page … including the winners of the Family ticket to the pictures which was kindly donated by the Gaiety cinema.

Finally, they organised a No Tech Day in school where lessons went ‘old skool’ and children played some traditional games including drawing hop scotch on the yard, inventing giant snakes and ladders and listening to stories! It was interesting to see how much we take technology for granted but also how it was nice to enjoy time away from screens. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos (and the children wouldn’t stay still for long enough for staff to draw them in action) so we have no evidence of the day but the electricity bill will have been greatly reduced as proof 🙂

Well done to everyone involved and to those who took part in the events in school and at home.