It’s been a long time since we have been able to enjoy educational trips and visits … but they were finally back with gusto this term! Our pupils have completed a range of activities and enjoyed many experiences – making memories and learning new skills.

Our EYFS unit visited Trotters Wildlife Park to learn about exotic and exiting animals.

Our Class 2 pupils went to Muncaster Castle as part of their Castles topic and enjoyed the bird show and exploring the Meadow Vole Maze.

The Class 3 Pupils visited the Beacon to enhance their History Topic.

Year 4 children had a ‘wild’ camp out experience on the school field including toasting marshmallows on the fire.

The Year 5s had a learning experience at the Gather as part of their Rivers Trust work and a trip to the Viking Village in Wigton as part of their topic work.

Year 6s also completed the Rivers Trust Day and took part in several collaborative events at the Whitehaven Academy.

Lots of fun for everyone … who knows what next year will bring!