Hensingham Primary School, part of Cumbria Education Trust (CET), recently received a visit from Ofsted and has officially been rated as a Good school across all categories.
This is the first inspection that we have had since joining CET. The previous inspection was deemed inadequate overall so we are very proud to be able to showcase the journey our school has been on. We have been focusing on school improvement, attendance, behaviour and the curriculum, which has been recognised by the Ofsted inspectors. One comment the inspectors made was that “pupils are happy and proud to belong to their school” and that it is “welcoming and friendly”.
The inspectors recognised that “the school expects all pupils to succeed academically” and that we have an “ambitious curriculum”. They recognised the emphasis that the school places on reading, as the report states that they “place a high priority on reading” and that older pupils “develop sophisticated tastes in reading”. We were also recognised for our support to students, that “pupils, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), flourish at the school and they grow in confidence”.
Our values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience shone through in the inspection report, stating that “pupils learn to celebrate diversity”, “the school supports pupils well to understand the richness of their local and wider community” and that “disruption to learning is rare”.
It is both the Trust’s and the school’s mission to provide children with opportunities that will support them in the future, and it was positive to see this recognised by the inspectors, who stated in the report, “the school ensures that the curriculum provides ample opportunities for pupils’ wider development”, “pupils are supported well to build up their understanding of how to stay safe and healthy” and “they learn how to recognise and develop healthy relationships”.
Amanda Brotherhood, Headteacher, said: “We thank our staff, parents, children, and community for their ongoing support. We will continue this school improvement journey, to give our young people the best opportunities within the heart of our community”.
Lorrayne Hughes, Chief Executive of CET, said: “This is a positive outcome for Hensingham Primary School and I am delighted for Amanda and her team; they have all worked so hard and this outcome recognises their achievements”.
You can view the full report here:
If you would like to enrol your child at our school, there are only a few spaces left for September so please contact office@hensingham.cumbria.sch.uk as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.