Hensingham Primary School – Our Early Years Vision

Here at Hensingham Primary School, we teach and nurture our children to become happy, confident, independent and well-rounded individuals – with a love of learning.

Our curriculum is based on Development Matters and is underpinned by Cumbria Education Trust’s core values of respect, responsibility and resilience. We follow White Rose Maths and Master the Curriculum to develop our maths, Read Write Inc for the teaching of early reading and phonics and we develop our English skills through a range of quality genres and texts.

We strongly believe in the valuable principle of learning through play – the most meaningful way in which children learn. We plan open-ended learning experiences to broaden the children’s learning, providing a balance of adult led input and enhancements in the provision, whilst at the same time allowing for children to develop their own interests and lead their own learning.

The structure of the day allows for periods of uninterrupted play, allowing children to nurture a curiosity for learning, whilst applying and developing the skills of resilience, teamwork, collaboration and problem solving.

Our Early Years Unit is an engaging, stimulating, consistent and enabling environment with clearly defined areas of provision that children can access independently, developing decision-making abilities and allowing them to direct their own learning with autonomy.

In Early Years we foster a love of the outdoors and appreciation of the natural world, and make regular use of the school grounds, outdoor environment, and local area. We aim for the children to be curious about the world around them, participating in active learning and learning from quality, first hand experiences.

We believe that strong partnerships between home and school are crucial in supporting our children to grow and develop. Our parents are supportive and engage in their children’s learning, interacting with the school staff through face-to-face conversations every day, at school events or through engaging with the online Tapestry journal.

The adults in Early Years know the children well, they engage with the children in high quality, in the moment interactions and make careful observations which feed into and enhance the provision.

At Hensingham Primary School we firmly believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage provides the essential building blocks for children to become successful learners, through promoting high levels of well-being and involvement, shaping them to be the adults of the future displaying a true sense of identity.

It is our aim for each child to reach their full potential and make at least expected progress from their various starting points on entry to Hensingham Primary School.

The Early Years Team


Willow Letter Spring 1 2025


Early Years Planning Spring 1 2025


Early Years at Hensingham Primary School

Hensingham Primary School’s Early Years Curriculum

Development Matters Statements

Early Years Maths Long Term Plan


Useful Links




All Children in EYFS have a ‘Tapestry’ account.  This will enable you to see what your child has been doing throughout the week.  It is also a useful way of communicating important messages.

All children look very smart in their school uniform but we do ask parents to ensure all items of clothing have names written in them – young children do like to collect jumpers!  If you find you have another child’s clothing, please can you return to school.


Just a reminder that the school day begins at 8:50am.  The EY door will be open from 8:40am.  The school day finishes at 3:15pm.  If you are late or need to collect your child out of these hours, please report to the Main Entrance.