)At Hensingham Primary School we have high expectations of school attendance.  Within school, students are learning important social skills as well as ensuring they are able to progress as much as possible in the academic aspect of their education.

The National Average for attendance is 94.5%, however at Hensingham we strive for all students to achieve 96% attendance throughout the academic year. We understand that on occasion illness cannot be helped, however, we want every student, and parent/carer, to work with us in helping to achieve this target.

Every term we reward excellent attendance as well students who have managed to improve their attendance from one term to the next.

• Daily: Attendance posters can be found around school showcasing the current attendance compared with the national average. Children are encouraged to discuss this with their teachers, parents and careers in a step to understand the importance of knowing what we are achieving.
• Weekly: Attendance is celebrated during Celebration Assembly and the classes with the most amount of attendance receive a school certificate.
• Half termly: We will be sending out letters to you with your child’s attendance on and any further action that is needed e.g. a conversation with a member of the attendance team.
• Termly: Children who are in line with or above our 96% target will have the opportunity to collect a Bronze (autumn), Silver (spring) or Gold (summer) prize from our prize trolley. Each term these will be reset so children who did not earn a prize in one term can qualify the following term. Children may also save their attendance up all year to earn a gold prize.
• Yearly: At the end of the academic year, any children who have had 100% attendance will have the opportunity to receive a very special award.
While we celebrate good attendance and have clear expectations around what the ideal percentage is, we also acknowledge and celebrate improved attendance too. Working closely with families to support children in attending school and make sure that where improvements are made, expectations to the above are also made and children receive praise and recognition too.

Last term 57 children achieved their bronze prize!

hensingham.cumbria.sch.uk/…/Attendance-Parent-Leaflet-September-2023.docxAttendance Procedures (Part2)

Attendance Procedures (Part 2)