PE & Sport Premium Strategy
PE and school sport play an essential role in school life and the team at Hensingham Primary School are constantly seeking to improve and enhance the provision of sport and wider curriculum opportunities. We believe that PE and school sport contribute to the holistic development of children and, through active participation, our children are enabled to build on and develop our key values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
We are therefore delighted to be able to use the sport premium funding to support the development of PE and extra-curricular sporting opportunities in a variety of ways:
- Providing specialist coaching during curriculum time for all classes
- Using specialist coaching to provide ongoing, continuous CPD for all teachers, enhancing the delivery or PE throughout school
- Enabling increased participation in and out of after school clubs
- Providing a cycling proficiency training course for year 6
- Developing resources for encouraging physical activities during playtime
- Entry to inter-school tournaments and competitive events
We offer a wide range and number of in-school activities to pupils across the school.
Our overall aim is to raise standards in PE and school sport, increasing the participation and opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved provision and outcomes for all. We aim to improve the overall health and well-being of our children and address issues such as childhood obesity in a positive and proactive way.