The Hive at Hensingham Primary School. Because every child facing adversity deserves to flourish.


Meet our Engagement and Wellbeing Team. Your A to Z team!

Your Hive team is here to support you. If you have any worries, concerns or struggles with either your child’s social, emotional and mental wellbeing or your own, during these exceptionally difficult times, just call 01946 690021 and ask to speak with Miss Dowell or Ms Walsh.


At Hensingham Primary School, we recognise some pupils may have additional educational, social, emotional and mental health needs from time to time and some that may require specialist one to one or small group intervention out of class. Through our Hive provision, we offer a range of research backed – high quality SEMH interventions to meet the social, emotional and mental health needs of our pupils. Pupils can access an adapted National Curriculum when necessary. All interventions are delivered by highly trained members of staff and progress is tracked from initial referral from class teachers to the very end and beyond of the intervention. Please browse your Hive website to find a wide range of social, emotional and mental health resources to support our pupils and our families.


Early intervention starts with noticing the signs 

Early intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes. Excellent relationships between pupils and school staff allow us to notice pupils presenting unfamiliar challenges and poor mental health. Staff are then able to safely identify their needs and be confident and proactive with their next steps.

When class teachers and support staff notice specific SEMH needs with a pupil, they can refer the pupil on to the Engagement and Wellbeing team.

The Engagement and Wellbeing Team will then discuss the current levels of provision for the pupil, identify some possible additional intervention if necessary and put a support plan in place promptly. It must be noted that all strategies and class based interventions must be fully explored first.


First and foremost, all pupils are entitled to quality first teaching by their teacher.


At Hensingham Primary School, we adopt the following model when supporting pupils with their social, emotional and mental health:

Tier 1 – Encompasses quality-first teaching that takes place within the classroom.

Tier 2 – Includes in-school referrals for pupils to have Hive Provision.

Tier 3 – Involves further involving families in the Hive provision and potentially opening an Early Help or accessing other external, specialist support.

Tier 4 – If all the above have not been successful in meeting the pupils’ needs, a quality referral to appropriate external agencies. We include all the evidence of previous SEN/SEMH interventions to add weight to the referral.


Relationships are vital 

Every child deserves a champion, a trusted adult that will never give up on them and recognise the importance of relationships. Our Engagement and Wellbeing Team:

  • Use daily meet and greets on the school gate, regular daily drop ins throughout the day/check out before home time
  • Offer time to talk, secure time for pupils to explore feelings
  • Build safe relationships with vulnerable pupils
  • Provide talking tools such as feeling/sensory provision in our nurture room to help pupils self-regulate
  • Be trained and active mental health ambassadors for pupils and adults in our school community
  • Ensure the voice of the pupil is heard and acted upon


Through our Hive provision, in addition to Special Educational Need support, we offer:

1. Free Breakfast Club for All

2. Hive Break and Lunch Club

3. ELSA Emotional Literacy Support

4. Social Stories

5. Hive Break and Lunch Club

6. Decider-Skills

7. Drawing and Talking Intervention

8. Lego Therapy

9. Retracking Intervention

10. SPACE – Supporting Parents and Children Emotionally

11. Art Therapy

12. Solving Challenging Behaviour through a Restorative Approach